시청자와 함께
930뉴스 오전 9시 30분
5시 뉴스와 경제 오후 4시 55분
뉴스데스크 오후 8시 20분
930뉴스 오전 9시 30분
5시 뉴스와 경제 오후 4시 55분
뉴스데스크 오후 8시 20분
시청자 자유게시판

It was Kim Ki-myung, the first official in the military

22-06-10 12:44:04
이 글을 페이스북으로 퍼가기 이 글을 트위터로 퍼가기 이 글을 카카오스토리로 퍼가기 이 글을 밴드로 퍼가기
It was Kim Ki-myung, the first official in the military. He was wounded in the face by an enemy soldier's sword during the war
Do was wearing a bandage on one side of his face. But it's clean, so it's half the face
There was laughter in the 코인카지노 air. It's not a smile that makes you happy
It was an arrogant smile.
"Oh, come on in."
Yang Heon-soo was waiting as he stepped on the gate. With the soldiers on the mud flats
He pushed the boat, and the colorful bottom of the abalone and the bottom of the application
It was covered with mud. It was a figure of a longevity who took the initiative.
"If I knew you were back, I should have come to meet you." I'm sorry
번호. 공지